Amateur – A film about Carlos Relvas
A film on Carlos Relvas (1838-1894) allows us to place photography in its time and reflect on its role in the artistic and modernization processes of the XIX century.
Pioneer of the nineteenth century photography, Carlos Relvas was a man of culture and innovation, which left an impressive legacy of approximately 12,000 photographs. The majority of these have been carefully restored over the past few years and aren’t yet public knowledge. His “House-Studio” in Golegã (also magnificently recovered) is an unique structure and recognized as a key element in the the worldwide history of photography.
This film will dwell in the photographers work, his relationship with the photographic image and will increase the importance of his work in world history of photography. The film will follow a plurality of ideas. Between past and present, not necessarily following a strict chronology, we will discover Relvas’ work. The negatives will guide us through time, showing us distant landscapes from all over Europe, pictures of animals, and human portraits. We will get closer and closer to a distant and enigmatic era, where photography was bringing new and mysterious possibilities.

Alexandra Encarnação, Emília Tavares,
Filipe Alves, France Scully Osterman,
José Luís Neto, Luís Pavão,
Margarida Medeiros,
Maria do Carmo Séren, Mark Osterman,
Rute Magalhães, Sérgio Mah